6 Easy Tips To Make Perfect Poha

By: Payal

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Poha is a beloved breakfast dish. It tastes best when it's soft and fluffy, but getting that perfect texture can be tricky. Here are some tips to help you nail it.

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1. Rinse the Poha Nicely

Always wash poha under running water. After that, squeeze out the excess water using a strainer and let it dry.

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2. Don't Soak It Too Long

Soak the poha for just a few minutes. Over-soaking makes it soggy, and you won't get the right texture.

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3. Fluff the Poha

Fluff the poha with your hands before cooking. This helps separate the grains. You can also use a fork to do this.

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4. Cook it on Low Flame

Always cook poha on low flame. High heat can make it dry and hard. Low flame keeps it moist and fluffy.

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5. Add Milk or Lemon Juice

To keep poha moist, add a bit of milk or lemon juice. Cover it with a lid and cook for 4-5 minutes for extra moisture.

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6. Add Sugar

Add a little sugar while making poha. It balances the spices and makes the poha flavourful.

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