6 Healthy Snacks To Curb Midnight Cravings

By: Payal

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Midnight cravings? Unhealthy options can disrupt your sleep & digestion. Here are some nutritious snacks to satisfy your late-night hunger without compromising your health.

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1. Hummus & Veggies Or Toast

This combination offers protein, fibre & healthy fats. Opt for whole-grain toast or fresh veggies like carrots, cucumber or bell peppers.

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2. Nuts and Seeds

Packed with essential nutrients, a handful of almonds, walnuts or cashews can effectively curb cravings & provide a boost of energy.

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3. Makhana

Light, crispy, & packed with protein, makhana is an excellent choice for a late-night snack. Enjoy it on its own or as a topping for yoghurt or salads.

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4. Milk

A glass of warm milk can be soothing & comforting. It's rich in calcium & protein, making it a nutritious option to satisfy hunger pangs.

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5. Crackers With Toppings

Whole-grain crackers topped with low-fat cheese, fresh vegetables, or a sprinkle of herbs & spices offer a flavorful & satisfying snack. 

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6. Fruit Yogurt Parfait

Combine creamy yoghurt with your favourite fruits for a refreshing & healthy treat. Add a layer of granola or nuts for added crunch & texture.

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