6 Smart Tips To Avoid Bloating On Face

By: Nikita Nikhil

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Dietary habits can lead to facial bloating which can be frustrating. With a few smart changes, you can keep it at bay. Here are 6 effective tips to reduce puffiness and look fresh.

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1. Limit Salt Intake

Reducing salty foods helps prevent water retention, which is a common cause of facial bloating. Eat fresh, unprocessed foods to control salt intake.

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2. Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. This reduces puffiness and flushes out excess salt. Make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

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3. Sleep On Back

Sleeping on your back with an elevated head can prevent fluid from collecting in your face overnight. This will reduce your puffiness after waking up.

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4. Cut Down on Alcohol

Alcohol causes dehydration, which leads to water retention and bloating. Limit your alcohol intake to avoid waking up with a swollen face.

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5. Avoid Carbonated Drinks

Aerated drinks can cause gas and bloating, including on your face. Instead drink water or herbal teas to prevent facial puffiness.

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6. Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Add foods like turmeric, ginger, and leafy greens into your diet. These have anti-inflammatory properties to reduce facial puffiness.

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For superfoods to help relieve bloating, click here:

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