6 Things You Should Never Clean With Lemon

By: Nikita Nikhil

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Is lemon your go-to item to keep the kitchen squeaky clean? Thanks to its acidity and scent, it is a popular cleaner. But, not for everything! Keep these 6 items away from lemons.

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1. Cast Iron Cookware

Lemon's acidity can affect the seasoning of cast iron. This can result in rust and damaged surfaces. It can also affect the taste of the food.

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2. Knives

Lemon juice can damage the metal of knives, especially if they are made of high-carbon steel. It can also dull the blade over time.

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3. Aluminium Pans

Lemon juice can react with aluminium, resulting in discolouration and a metallic taste. The juice's acidity can also degrade the pan quality over time.

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4. Wooden Utensils

Lemon juice can dry out the wood, leading to cracks and splits, and may leave an odour that affects the taste of food prepared with it.

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5. Marble Slabs

Lemon's acidity can dull the shiny nature of marble slabs and damage its surface. The stains can be hard to remove and might make you regret it later!

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6. Hardwood Floors

Lemon can damage the seal on hardwood floors and make them dull. If you drop some lemon juice, clean it up quickly to avoid any kind of damage.

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For easy hacks to clean the kitchen with lemon juice, click here:

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