6 Tips To Keep
Food Containers

By: Nikita Nikhil

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Over time, food containers can become dull in appearance and turn foul-smelling. But not anymore! With these everyday hacks, you can keep them fresh and odour-free daily!

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1. Baking Soda

Just sprinkle some baking soda inside the containers before stacking them. It naturally absorbs odours and keeps your container fresh and clean for long.

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2. Sun-Dry Them

Sunlight kills bacteria and removes bad odours. After washing, dry your containers under direct sun regularly for a natural freshening effect. 

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3. Coffee

Add a spoonful of coffee grounds to empty food containers. Close the lid and let it sit overnight. Coffee will neutralise strong smells and keep them fresh.

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4. Vinegar Wash

Just before storing, rinse your containers with diluted white vinegar. It has antibacterial properties that will clean and deodorize your food containers.

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5. Cool Food First

Make sure never to store your hot food in the containers immediately. Let it cool down, as hot food makes the container absorb odours faster.

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6. Lemon Peel

Leave a lemon peel inside your food container overnight. Its natural citrus oils remove any bad smell and leave your container fresh.

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For smart food container hacks, click here:

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