6 Tips To Stop Binge Eating

By: Payal

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Everyone is trying to eat healthier these days—whether it is cutting carbs, hitting the gym, or counting every last calorie. 

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But binge eating can throw everything off track. Here is how you can keep things under control without feeling deprived.

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1. Stick to a Diet You Can Follow

Choose a balanced approach that does not make you feel like you are missing out. The easier it is to follow, the less likely you are to binge.

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2. Drink More Water

Choose dishes that can be cooked quickly. Opt for recipes that are simple and require fewer techniques and save time in the kitchen.

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3. Plan Your Meals

Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time, and try to eat dinner at least two to three hours before bed to avoid late-night munchies.

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4.  Distract Yourself From Cravings

Cravings usually do not last long, so distract yourself. Go for a walk, call a friend, or even tidy up your space - anything to take your mind off food.

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5. Use Smaller Plates And Bowls

A simple swap can make a big difference. Using smaller plates makes your portions look bigger, which can help you feel full while eating less.

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6. Forgive Yourself Over Slip-Ups

The worst thing you can do is feel guilty and let one bad meal turn into a whole day (or week) of overeating. Just get back on track with your next meal.

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