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Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases that cause high blood sugar. This may happen due to inadequate insulin production or when the body does not respond to insulin produced.
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It is important to keep your blood glucose level in control, so monitor blood sugar and medicines regularly. Here are 6 additional ways to manage Diabetes naturally.
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Studies have proven that drinking water helps control blood sugar levels. Regular intake of water will support kidneys to flush out the toxins through urine.
It is believed that copper has many health benefits for dIabetics. Drinking copper-treated water every day may help control Diabetes symptoms as well.
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It is imperative to control carb intake, since carbs are broken down into glucose that raise blood sugar levels. Therefore, reducing carb intake can definitely help.
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Adding more soluble dietary fibre to our diet is most effective. Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and bitter herbs.
If you are diabetic and under stress, hormones like glucagon and cortisol are secreted which spike up blood sugar. Thus, stress must be managed.
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If your sleeping habits are not proper, it may affect your blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity. It is important to have at least 8 hours of sleep.
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For More Diabetes Tips
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