7 Tips To Control Sleepiness After Lunch

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You cannot skip eating lunch, but you can definitely control the sluggishness that comes after. Here are some diet tips to remain active even post your afternoon meal.

1. Take Walk After Meals

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Do not sit back to work right after you have eaten your meal; simply take a brisk walk or climb the stairs. This short exercise will boost energy.

2. Chew Gum

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Chewing gum may help because you are constantly in a state of action giving you a major mood boost. Chew mint gum for at least five minutes to feel energized again.

3. Drink Water

Dehydration can cause fatigue, low mood and difficulty in concentrating. Make sure you are drinking enough water throughout the day.

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4. Say No To Junk

Say no to processed foods. Eat more   iron (leafy green veggies), lean proteins (lean meat, fish and eggs) and complex carbohydrates (whole grains and legumes).

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5. Portion Control

Choose to eat small meals in between to avoid feeling sleepy and lethargic and further regulate blood sugar levels.

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6. Avoid Sugar And Fat

Try not to eat sugar and fats in order to avoid energy crashes. Even if you have a sweet tooth, eat a fruit or two after lunch to curb cravings.

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7. Keep A Track

It is important to keep a track of the foods you eat during lunchtime. If a certain food is causing sleepiness, it is better to reduce its consumption immediately.

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For Healthy Lunch Recipes

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