7 Vitamin A-Rich Foods For Your Daily Diet

By: Neha Grover

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Vitamin A boosts immunity, promotes cell growth, and enhances skin and eye health. Add these vitamin A-rich foods to your daily diet for a vibrant, healthy lifestyle!

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1. Carrot

Indulge in raw, sliced carrots to meet your daily vitamin A needs. Enjoy their crisp sweetness in salads or juices for glowing skin and sharp eyesight.

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2. Milk

Besides being rich in calcium, a daily glass of milk offers essential vitamins, including vitamin A. It's a wholesome tradition in Indian households.

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3. Fish

Fish isn't just delicious—it's a powerhouse of vitamins crucial for robust health. Regular consumption supports optimal vitamin A intake for well-being.

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Tomatoes are bursting with antioxidants and vitamin A. Incorporate them generously for their culinary versatility and health-boosting properties.

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4. Tomato

Vibrantly red bell peppers are visually appealing and packed with carotenoids and antioxidants. They're a tasty way to enrich your diet with vitamin A.

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5. Red Bell Pepper

Retain the crunch in leafy greens for maximum nutrient retention. Packed with essential vitamins, they're a must-have for strong immunity.

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6. Green Leafy Veggies

Enhance dishes with coriander and other herbs rich in vitamin A. From toast to meats, it elevates taste while contributing to your daily nutrient intake.

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7. Herbs

Vitamin C-Rich Foods:

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