How To Make Sweet Wheat Appams

By: Nikita Nikhil

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If you are craving something sweet and healthy, then wheat appams are perfect for you. Made with jaggery and banana, these are easy to make and versatile. Here's how to make them.

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You need 1 ripe banana, ½ cup atta, ½ cup grated jaggery, 1/8 tsp elaichi powder, 1 tbsp rice flour, 2 tbsp grated coconut, a pinch of salt, and ghee.

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1. Prepare The Batter

In a bowl, mash the banana. Now add atta, rice flour, jaggery, salt, and cardamom powder. Mix well until the jaggery dissolves in the batter.

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2. Add Coconut

After the batter is smooth, add grated coconut to it. This will add a delicious crunch to your appam and enhance the sweetness of jaggery and banana.

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3. Heat Ghee

In an appam pan, heat some ghee over a medium gas flame. Make sure it is not too hot to fry the appams without burning them.

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4. Fry Appams

Heat some ghee in an appam pan. Add a spoonful of batter and fry until golden brown. The appams will puff up and become soft from the inside. Serve hot!

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For easy South Indian dessert recipes, click here:

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