Can Guava Help In Weight Loss?

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Guavas is a low GI fruit and does not raise blood sugar levels, thus helping in managing weight. Eating a guava a day may help you lose weight naturally. Here's how: 

Guava is packed with fibre that delays digestion and helps induce the feeling of fullness or satiety for longer.

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1. Induces Satiety

2. Decreases Bingeing

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When you are full, you naturally refrain from bingeing into other high fattening foods, thus making way for effective and natural weight loss. 

3. Low On Calories 

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Being a low-energy, dense fruit, guava is low in calories. If you are taking a large serving of guava, you will feel full and energized in very few calories. 

4. Full Of Nutrients

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Along with being low on calories, Guavas are high on proteins, vitamins and fibre which help you lose weight by regulating your metabolism. 

5. Best For Weight Loss 

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Nutritionist Shilpa Arora states, β€œIt is the best fruit for hormonal imbalance. Diabetics and weight watchers can enjoy this nutrition-packed fruit.” 

6. Helps Absorb Key Nutrients 

As per Dr. Manoj K. Ahuja, "Guavas are also rich in manganese, which helps the body to absorb other key nutrients from the food that we eat.”

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 7. Aids Digestion

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Dr Manoj further adds, "Guavas are rich in fibre which help facilitate smooth digestion. Fibre adds bulk to the stool, thereby aiding bowel regularity." 

For More Guava Benefits

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