Curd Turned Sour? 6 Tasty Ways To Use It

By: Neha Grover

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Are you confused about what to do with your sour curd? Don't let it go to waste! Here are 6 dishes that taste better with sour curd. 

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1. Chaach

Refresh with chaach, an Indian buttermilk. Mix sour curd with bhuna jeera powder, pudina masala, salt, and sugar for a cool summer drink.

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2. Kadhi

Enjoy kadhi, an Indian dish with tangy sour curd. Perfect with rice, it's rich in flavour and nutrition.

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3. Fermented Dough

Use sour curd for probiotic-rich fermented dough. It is ideal for making soft and fluffy bhatura.Sour Cream Cheese

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4. Sour Cream Cheese

Make tangy sour cream cheese from sour curd. It is perfect for dips, salads, or pairing with fries.

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5. Uttapam

Prepare uttapam with sour curd batter. Enjoy this South Indian favourite for breakfast or lunch.

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6. Curd Rice

Transform leftover rice into creamy curd rice. Mix with sour curd and spices for a quick, flavourful meal.

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Tips To Set Thicker Curd:

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