Easy Tips To Clean Your Stainless Steel Sink

By: Vaishali Kapila

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Our stainless steel sink requires extra care when it comes to cleanliness. If you struggle to clean it, here are some tips that will make it sparkle within minutes.

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1. Lemon

To use lemon, cut it in half, sprinkle baking soda on both wedges and scrub the sink thoroughly. After a few minutes, rinse with water.

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2. Dish Soap

If your sink is fairly clean, use regular dishwashing soap. Pour some into the sink, scrub it with a kitchen sponge, and then rinse.

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3. Vinegar

You can also use vinegar to clean your stainless steel sink. The acidic nature of vinegar makes it great for cleaning stubborn stains.

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4. Baking Soda + Water

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Prepare a paste by mixing 1 tsp of baking soda with some water. Apply it to the sink and let it sit for a while. Then, scrub and rinse!

5. Olive Oil

Did you know you could also use olive oil to clean your sink? Simply apply some to a cloth and wipe your sink. It will make it shiny as well.

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