Easy Tips To Make Bread Pakoda Crispy

By: Vaishali Kapila

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Do your bread pakodas turn out soggy and lack that crispness? Don't worry! With these easy tips and tricks, you'll be able to master the art of making them at home.

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1. Use Rice Flour/Cornflour

When preparing the batter for bread pakoda, consider adding rice flour or cornflour. These ingredients can help provide that additional crunch.

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2. Keep Batter Thick

The batter for your bread pakoda should be thick enough to coat the bread slices. The thicker the batter, the crispier your bread pakoda will be.

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3. Preheat The Oil

Preheating the oil for deep-frying is essential when making bread pakoda. Skipping this step can result in uneven cooking and a lack of crunc.

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4. Reduce Heat

Once the oil is hot and the bread pakodas have begun to fry, remember to reduce the heat. This ensures they don't overcook or burn.

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5. Use Onions

To make extra cripsy bread pakodas, add chopped onions to the batter. Onions will elevate your bread pakodas with their crunchiness.

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For the complete recipe for bread pakoda

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