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Building Stamina

It is time to rewire ourselves as we go back to our normal lives. We need to start with small steps to regain our old stamina and energy levels.

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Clinical Nutritionist Rupali Dutta suggests some easy ways to gradually bring back physical and mental vigour and resume an active lifestyle.

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Eat At Proper Times

Set your meal timings and stick to them keeping a leeway of 30 minutes, up or down. Eating at regular hours will help keep energy levels steady.

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Eat Nutrient-Rich Foods

Refined foods add empty calories and leave you without energy. Any food that is closest to its natural form, least processed and seasonal is good.

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Drink Lots Of Water

Even mild dehydration leaves us exhausted; therefore one must take adequate fluids, and a plain glass of water is the best option.

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Add Nuts And Seeds To Your Diet

We just need one ounce of nuts and seeds per day - 15-20 almonds, one walnut and a teaspoon of seeds. Nuts provide healthy fats, fibre, proteins and antioxidants.

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Get Back To Exercising

Don't get back to high-intensity workout immediately - get there slowly. And, those who have maintained some exercise routine, can go on to next level, but gradually.

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Cut Back On Caffeine

Fresh lemon water, fresh coconut water, fresh jaljeera or aam panna without sugar or less sugar are good options. Bael sharbat is another amazing drink that you can try.

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