Explore Different Green Smoothie Recipes

By: Jigyasa Kakwani

Image Credit: Pexels

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We have all heard about healthy green smoothies but what are they really made of? Turns out, there is more than one way of making a green smoothie. Here are five recipes:

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1. The One With Curry Leaves

Blend mint leaves, curry leaves, ginger, lemon juice, coriander leaves, and black salt. Strain if required.

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2. The One With Chocolate

Blend spinach, Greek yogurt, mint, and a dash of dark chocolate to make this refreshing and flavourful green smoothie.

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3. The One With Fruits

A green smoothie may not be restricted to leafy greens. Along with spinach, add frozen banana, pineapple, mango and apples.

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4. The One With Avocado

Avocados can be a creamy addition to your green smoothie. Blend these with banana, almond milk, spinach, honey and chia seeds.

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5. The One With Green Tea

Combine 1 cup brewed and chilled green tea with spinach, frozen mango, kiwi, cucumber and ice. Blend until smooth. Enjoy!

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For Yummy Smoothie Recipe For Healthy Skin, Click Here

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