By: Somdatta Saha
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Mangoes are one of the few things we love about summer. However, you'll often find artificially ripened mangoes in the market.
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Carbide is used to ripen mangoes artificially, and studies find that the chemical can result in many serious health issues.inus the guilt:
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According to the website, there are a few simple tricks to find out if the mangoes are ripened with chemicals or not.
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If ripened mangoes have no fruit flies around, then it might be due to the strong smell of chemicals in the fruit.
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Put the mangoes in a bucket of water after buying. The artificially ripened ones will float on water.
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Artificially ripened mangoes will taste less juicy and have a lighter weight, in comparison to the organic ones.
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You can light a matchstick and bring it near a mango. If the fruit catches fire or sparkles, then it is artificially ripened.
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For more such tips on how to buy mangoes
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