How To Cut Bhindi Without Slime

By: Payal

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We all love crispy bhindi, but cutting it without getting that sticky mess? Not so much fun. Here are some simple hacks to keep the slime at bay & get that perfect, non-sticky bhindi every time!

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1. How To Wash Bhindi

Don't wash your bhindi right before cooking. Give it a rinse under running water a few hours earlier and let it sit to drain out all the moisture.

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2. Pat Dry

Grab a kitchen towel and gently pat the bhindi dry. Extra moisture is a no-go - it's what makes it all sticky when you cook it.

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3. Cut Evenly

For that perfect texture, cut the bhindi in equal sizes. If you're cutting it lengthwise, go for four even slices. This way, everything cooks evenly and gets that crisp.

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4. Trim the Ends

Always chop off the ends of the bhindi. The tips can be tough and mess with the texture, so it's best to get rid of them.

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5. Lemon Knife Trick

Dealing with slime while chopping? Rub some lemon on your knife before you start slicing. It keeps the slime under control and makes cutting easier.

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6. Add Curd Or Lemon

When cooking, toss in some curd or squeeze lemon juice. Not only does it stop the stickiness, but it also brings a nice tangy flavour to your bhindi!

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