By: Nikita Nikhil
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Doing household chores constantly can leave your hands dry, rough, and irritated. Fret not! Here are some simple tricks to keep your hands smooth and soft.
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Always use rubber or latex gloves while washing dishes, scrubbing, or using cleaning formulas. This prevents contact with harsh products and hot water.
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Apply a nourishing hand cream or coconut oil after washing your hands. Keeping them hydrated will prevent dryness and rough areas.
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Harsh soaps remove natural oils. Choose gentle, moisturising hand washes with ingredients like aloe vera or shea butter.
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Scrub your hands with a mix of sugar and olive oil once a week to remove dead skin cells. This will keep them soft and smooth.
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Keep yourself hydrated by drinking water and having a water-rich diet. This won't just keep your hands plumpy but also do wonders for your skin health!
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To know which kitchen essentials you should replace frequently, click here:
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