How To Make Dalgona Candy From Squid Game

By: Jigyasa Kakwani

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Squid Game is a popular Korean thriller series, and fans are eagerly waiting for Season 3.


If you've watched the show, you'll remember the tense Dalgona Candy challenge. Here's how you can make this Korean sweet at home:

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You only need two ingredients:
-1½ tbsp sugar
-A pinch of baking soda

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Step 1

Add the sugar to a ladle and hold it over a low flame. Stir continuously until it melts completely.

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Step 2

Add a pinch of baking soda to the melted sugar and mix well. It will turn yellow-golden in colour.

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Step 3

Pour the mixture onto a silicone mat or parchment paper. Quickly flatten it using the base of a saucepan or skillet.

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Step 4

Press a cookie cutter-umbrella, triangle, circle, or star-gently into the centre while the candy is still warm.

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Step 5

Let it cool and set. Your Squid Game-inspired Dalgona Candy is ready! Enjoy it while rewatching your favourite episode.

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Click below to learn more about popular Korean foods:

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