How To Make Ice Cream At Home

By: Neha Grover

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Summer's here, and ice cream is a must! Learn how to whip up creamy, homemade ice cream with these easy steps. Customize flavours and enjoy the freshness of your creation.

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1. Preparation

Gather your ingredients: heavy cream, whole milk, sugar, and vanilla extract. Get creative by adding chocolate chips, fruits, or nuts for extra flavour.

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2. Mixing

Combine the milk, cream, and sugar in a saucepan. Heat until the sugar dissolves, then stir in the vanilla extract for that perfect hint of sweetness.

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3. Chilling

Cool the mixture in the fridge for 2 hours. This step ensures a smooth texture when you churn it in your ice cream maker or freezer.

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4. Churning

Pour the chilled mix into your ice cream maker. Churn until it thickens. No ice cream maker? You can also churn it in a mixer or with a blender.

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5. Freezing

Transfer the churned ice cream to a container. Freeze for 4 hours or until firm. Then, scoop and serve your creamy homemade delight!

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More Ice Cream Recipes:

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