How To Make Masala Chai Premix

By: Jigyasa Kakwani

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There's something incredibly comforting about a steaming cup of tea. However, brewing masala tea from scratch every time can be quite a task, especially if you are too busy.

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Are you missing your favourite masala tea because of lack of time or travel? Try this instant premix recipe to enjoy a cup of hot masala chai anytime, anywhere!

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Step 1

Combine half a cup of tea granules, half a cup of sugar, 8-9 cardamom pods, and half a teaspoon of ginger powder in a mixer grinder. 

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Step 2

Blend it all until you achieve a fine powder. Next, sieve this out to remove any coarse particles and get a fine powder.

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Step 3

Mix in one cup of milk powder to the chai mix until well combined. Adding the milk powder will help to make an instant milky tea.

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Step 4

Transfer the mixture into an airtight container, and you have your masala tea premix ready to go!

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How To Use Chai Premix

Add a tablespoon of the premix to a cup, pour hot water, stir it, and voila! Your cup of aromatic masala tea is ready.

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To Learn How To Make Blue Tea At Home, Click Here

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