How To Make Moringa Paratha At Home

By: Jigyasa Kakwani

Image Credit: Pexels

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Often parathas are seen as an unhealthy dish. Well, not anymore! Here is a healthy paratha you have got to try - Moringa Paratha.

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Drumstick is a pod of the moringa plant, and the seeds present in it are used to make this paratha. Drumsticks are widely used in South Indian cooking.

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According to research, moringa has anti-inflammatory properties and can also contribute to better hair and skin health. Let's learn how to make this paratha!

Image Credit: Pixabay

Step 1

Boil 6-7 drumsticks until they are soft. Let them cool, remove the seeds and mash them. Mix in a little water.

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Step 2

In a bowl, add whole wheat flour, spices, coriander, drumsticks water and knead it into a soft dough.

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Step 3

Time for cooking! Divide the dough into small balls and roll them out into parathas.

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Step 4

Now cook the parathas using a little ghee and flip until both sides are golden brown.

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Image Credit: Pexels

Step 5

Serve hot with yogurt or pickle. Enjoy your nutritious and tasty Moringa Parathas!

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For More Such Interesting Paratha Recipes, Click Here

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