How To Make Salads Weight Loss-Friendly

By: Neha Grover

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Transform your salads into weight-loss powerhouses! Discover how to craft delicious, filling salads that help you shed pounds and stay healthy.

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1. Focus on Greens

Start with a variety of leafy greens like spinach, kale, and arugula. They're low-calorie and high in nutrients, making them perfect for weight loss.

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2. Add Protein

Include lean proteins like grilled chicken, cottage cheese, eggs or beans. They keep you full longer and help build muscle, which boosts metabolism.

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3. Choose Healthy Fats

Incorporate avocados, nuts, or seeds. Healthy fats add flavour and satisfaction without the extra calories from less nutritious fat sources.

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4. Use Fresh Veggies

Pile on colourful veggies like bell peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes. They add crunch and fibre, making your salad more filling and nutrient-rich.

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5. Watch the Dressing

Opt for light dressings or make your own with lemon juice and olive oil. Avoid creamy or sugary dressings that can add unwanted calories.

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6. Avoid Overeating

Even if it's a healthy meal like salad, it is important not to overeat for weight loss. A medium-sized bowl should be enough for one meal.

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Healthy Salad Recipes:

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