How To Make Soft And Spongy Cake Every Time

By: Nikita Nikhil

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Making soft and spongy cakes can seem daunting if you are new to baking. But with the right tips, you can make perfect cakes every time. Here are 5 tips you should follow:

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1. Room Temperature Items

Make sure your items – eggs, butter and milk – are at room temperature. This helps in better mixing and smoother batter, making it softer.

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2. Proper Combining

Combine butter and sugar together until it's light and fluffy. This adds air to the batter, making the cake rise well and become spongy. 

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3. Don't Overmix

After adding flour, mix until just combined. Overmixing can lead to a thick cake as it activates the gluten too much, resulting in a tough texture.

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4. Correct Temperature

Preheat your oven and bake the cake at the right temperature. Check the cake a few minutes before it's ready to avoid overbaking and drying it out.

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5. Use Buttermilk

The cake will be softer as buttermilk separates gluten in the flour due to its high acidity. You can also add a pinch of baking soda to make it fluffier.

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For more baking tips, click here:

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