How To Make The Perfect Mango Shake

By: Jigyasa Kakwani

Image Credit: Pexels

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What is a summer spent without drinking chilled mango shakes? Upgrade your recipe this summer by following these 5 tips to make the best-ever mango shake.

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1. Choose The Right Mango

While there are a lot of mango varieties, choose 'Safeda' to make a sweet and flavourful mango shake.

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2. Hide The Magic Of Vanilla

For a thick and sweet mango shake, blend some vanilla ice cream with the milk and mangoes for an indulgent shake.

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3. Crushed Ice For Texture

Instead of putting ice cubes that will make your shake watery, blend ice with other ingredients for a chilled mango shake with great consistency.

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4. Aromatic Rose Syrup

If you want to experiment, use some rose syrup in your recipe for added sweetness and a refreshing aroma of rose flavour.

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5. Garnishing Makes The Difference

Don't just serve the mango shake directly. Garnish with mango pieces, chopped dried fruits, some tutti frutti and cherries.

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For Tempting Mango Cocktail Recipes, Click Here

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