How To Remove Meat Odour From Utensils

By: Vaishali Kapila

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Are you struggling to get rid of meat odour lingering in your utensils? Don't worry! We've got some easy tips to help you eliminate the smell in no time. Check them out.

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1. Lemon And Water

Lemon's high acidic content makes it highly effective at removing odours. Fill the utensil with water, add lemon juice, and let it sit for a while.

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2. Vinegar

Vinegar is another great option for removing meat odour from your utensils. Simply mix warm water with vinegar and pour it into the utensil.

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To use baking soda, add 1-2 tsp to water and soak your utensils in the solution. Let them sit for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

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3. Baking Soda

4. Besan

Besan has absorbent properties, making it effective for removing meat odour. Sprinkle some of it on your utensils and rinse with water.

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5. Coffee Powder

Coffee contains nitrogren, which helps neutralise odours. To use it, mix coffee with some water and pour it into your utensil.

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