How To Use
Tomato Ketchup Beyond Cooking

By: Somdatta Saha

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Did you know tomato ketchup has far more usage than being a culinary goodness. Here're few popular uses of tomato ketchup that will leave you surprised to the core.

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1. Shine Your Utensils

Tomato ketchup is acidic, making it a great cleaning agent for your utensils. Just put a few drops of ketchup and scrub it off.

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2. Clean Your Hands

Ketchup can be a great cleaning agent and the acidic properties can dissolve the bacteria, which causes the stink.

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3. Dissolve Rust

Simply cover the rusty area with ketchup and let it sit for about 15-20 minutes. Then scrub it with a wire brush and rinse.

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4. Fix Hair Colour

Just apply some ketchup on your hair strands, leave it for about 20-30 minutes and then wash it out thoroughly.

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5. Soothe Wounds

Have extra sachets of tomato ketchup? Don't know what to do with it? Freeze them and use as ice packs.

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6. Use As Make-up Prop

If you need to create fake blood for your role on stage, then all you need to do is throw some tomato ketchup on the costume.

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Here're the kitchen items
 you can use as
natural cleaning agents

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