Instant Ghevar Recipe You Need To Try Now

By: Neha Grover

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1 litre milk
Half cup sugar
1/4 cup water
1/4 tsp Green Cardamom Powder 150 gm Rusk/Toast
1 tbsp Ghee
4 tbsp Sugar

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Step 1

Boil milk until it reduces to half. Add 4 tbsp sugar and cardamom powder and prepare rabdi.

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Step 2

Make sugar syrup of one-string consistency with sugar, water and elaichi powder. Crush the rusk into coarse powder.

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Grease two plates and line with greased butter paper. Meanwhile, put the sugar syrup on medium flame and add rusk powder and ghee. Mix well.

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Step 4

Transfer the mix to the greased plates. Spread well. Cut a small round in the centre with a cap and let it set.

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Step 5

Place the ghevar on a plate, decorate with rabdi and garnish with chopped nuts. Your instant ghevar is ready!

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Different Ghevar Toppings:

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