Mind-Blowing Pizza Sauce You Can Make In Just 5 Min

By: Neha Grover

Image Credit: Pexels

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Craving homemade pizza? Learn to make a delicious 5-minute pizza sauce with fresh tomatoes, garlic, and olive oil. Quick & easy!

Image Credit: Pexels

Step 1

Blanche fresh tomatoes in hot water for a minute, then transfer them to ice water. This helps loosen the skin easily.

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Image Credit: Pexels

Step 2

Peel off the skin and remove the seeds carefully. This ensures a smoother sauce with a rich and vibrant tomato flavour.

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Image Credit: Pexels

Step 3

Chop the peeled tomatoes into small pieces. Drain any excess water to maintain a thick and luscious pizza sauce consistency.

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Image Credit: Unsplash

Step 4

Finely chop fresh garlic cloves. This adds a bold, aromatic flavour that enhances the taste of your homemade pizza sauce.

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Image Credit: Pexels

Step 5

Blend tomatoes and garlic into a smooth paste. Transfer to a bowl, mix with olive oil, and your sauce is ready! 

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Image Credit: Pexels

Easy homemade pizza recipe:

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