Steps To Make Perfect Aloo Pyaaz Pakoras

By: Toshita Sahni

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Aloo pyaaz pakoras (Indian fritters made with potatoes and onions) are a delightful monsoon snack. Here are the key steps to follow to ensure they turn out perfect:

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Step 1

Grate the boiled potatoes, but do not mash them. You need 'strands' of potatoes to get crisp pakoras, so don't grate too finely.  

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Step 2

Soak the grated potatoes in some water mixed with salt and haldi (turmeric powder). Later, squeeze out the excess water from the potatoes without mashing them. 

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Step 3

While making aloo pyaaz pakoras, do not chop the onions. Choose to slice them for an extra crisp texture later on.

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Step 4

Before mixing the onions with the other ingredients, separate the slices. This can help avoid getting pakora pieces with only onion and others with only potatoes.

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Step 5

Mix the onions and potatoes with green chillies, coriander leaves, rice flour, chilli powder, coriander powder, ajwain seeds, garlic and a little sugar. 

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Step 6

In this recipe, there is no besan batter, unlike many of the other common kinds of pakora. Instead, besan is added directly to the aloo-pyaaz mixture itself.

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Step 7

The ingredients have natural moisture that has a binding effect. Add besan little by little and mix as you go. If you add it all at once, it may turn out dry/ lumpy.

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Step 8

Add 1 tbsp oil to this mixture and combine well. Keep aside for 5 minutes. Later, deep fry small portions of the mixture until golden brown and crisp. 

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For more monsoon snack recipes

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