The Surprising  Origin Of French Fries

By: Tanya Rajesh

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Salty, crispy, and hot, French fries are a perfect accompaniment to meals. They are eaten with burgers worldwide and are key components in regional dishes.

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1. Belgian Moules-Frites

In Belgium, French fries are crucial in moules-frites, a popular dish of mussels and fries.

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2. French Steak Frites

In France, steak frites, which translates as “steak and fries,” is a beloved dish.

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3. Canadian Poutine

In Canada, fries feature in the national dish poutine, served with brown gravy and cheese curds.

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4. UK's Fish and Chips

In the U.K., fries are enjoyed in fish and chips, served with salt and vinegar.

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The Potato's Journey to Europe

The potato was introduced to Europe by the Spanish, and the origin of the French fry is credited to France or Belgium.

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7. Belgian Fry Origins

Belgian lore says villagers in the Meuse Valley fried potatoes as a stand-in for fish during winter, creating early French fries.

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8. WWI and French Fries

During WWI, American soldiers discovered the snack and named it “French fry” due to Belgium's French language.

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9. Chef Julien's Recipe

Some historians credit French chef Honoré Julien. The first French fry recipe was in a 1795 French cookbook. 

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10. Fries: A Global Hit

No matter the origins, fries hold a special in all of our hearts. They are one of the most universally popular foods.

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