Tips For Making Perfect Chicken Momos

By: Vaishali Kapila

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Soft, juicy, flavourful - this is exactly how chicken momos should be. If you're struggling to achieve this texture at home, here are some tips to master the art of making them.

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1. Knead The Dough Well

When kneading the dough, use a mixture of all-purpose flour and water. Once the dough is ready, let it rest for at least 30 minuts.

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2. Season The Filling

Your chicken momo filling should be well-seasoned. Be sure to include minced garlic, chopped onions, green chillies, and black pepper.

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3. Wrap Them Correctly

Place a spoonful of the chicken filling in the centre of each wrapper. Fold and pleat the edges to form a crescent shape, and seal them.

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4. Steam Properly

Arrange the momos in a single layer, leaving enough space between each one for even steaming. Steam for about 10-15 minutes.

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5. Serve With Sauce

Don't forget to pair your momos with a sauce. Make a delicious dipping sauce with soy sauce, vinegar, chilli sauce, and a pinch of sugar.

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For the complete recipe for chicken momos

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