Tips To Buy Ripe Watermelon Every Time

By: Neha Grover

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How to pick the perfect ripe watermelon? Follow these simple hacks to ensure you get the juiciest and sweetest melon every time..

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1. Look For Sugar Spots

Check for sugar spots or dark, rough patches. These indicate a sweet watermelon that's likely ripe and bursting with natural sugars.

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2. Examine The Field Spot

The field spot (where it rested on the ground) should be creamy yellow, not white or green. A yellow spot suggests ripeness.

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3. Knock For Sound

Give it a knock! A ripe watermelon will produce a deep, hollow sound. If it sounds dull, it might be underripe. 

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4. Check The Shape

Choose a watermelon that's symmetrical and uniform in shape. Odd bumps or irregularities can indicate uneven ripeness or potential internal issues. 

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5. Feel The Weight

Pick up the melon—heavier is better. A ripe watermelon should feel dense and heavy for its size, indicating plenty of juice inside.

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Watermelon Benefits:

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