Tips To Clean Burn Stains On Utensils

By: Toshita Sahni

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Stainless steel cookware is a kitchen staple for many. However, keeping it in good condition for a long time may not always be easy.

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Does your steel cookware often develop burn stains? Wondering how to get rid of them and make your utensils shine again? Here are 5 simple tips that can help:

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1. Use baking soda

Make a paste using baking soda, apply it on your burnt cookware and leave it overnight. Clean with dishwashing soap the next day.

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2. Add Cola

Thanks to its acidic quality, cola can loosen burn stains. Add cola to the stained utensils, simmer gently, and allow to cool before scrubbing.

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3. Mix Lemon and Salt

Apply a mixture of lemon juice and salt to the burnt cookware. Allow it to sit for at least 15 minutes, sprinkle extra salt and later scrub.

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4. Apply Tomato Sauce

Spread tomato sauce or crushed tomatoes on the stains, add some water to the vessel and let it simmer. Scrub it off later and notice the magic!

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5. Boil Dishwashing Soap

Don't just scrub your burnt cookware with dishwashing soap. Boil the stained utensil with it instead and later use a scrub to clean it off. 

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For More Kitchen Cleaning Tips:

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