Tips To Prevent Soggy Sandwiches

By: Jigyasa Kakwani

Image Credit: Pixabay

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If you love eating sandwiches, the only downside to your favourite snack is that they can turn soggy quickly, especially when packed.

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Ingredients and condiments used in sandwiches typically have a high moisture content and can contribute to making them moist and mushy.

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Check out some simple and effective tips to prevent 'dampening' the spirit of your sandwiches.

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1. Pat The Damp Ingredients

Pat dry the tomato and cucumber slices with a paper towel to absorb some of that extra moisture.

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2. Protect Bread With Butter

Spreads like butter, mayo, hummus etc. will prevent moisture from veggies to make the bread soggy. So be generous with those condiments!

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3. Wet Ingredients On Top

Place the dry ingredients like cold cuts on the bottom half of the sandwich and the wet ingredients like tomato slices on the top half.

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4. Avoid Warm Ingredients

Putting warm ingredients in your packaged sandwich will promote moisture inside your lunch box and make it all soggy.

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5. Secret Tip: Instant Oats

Add a dash of instant masala oats (uncooked) to your sandwich filling. These will absorb the moisture from veggies and also enhance flavour.

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For Yummy Sandwich Recipes, Click Here

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