Where Did Samosa Come From? Not India!

By: Neha Grover

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While samosa is India's pride, its roots stretch beyond the country's borders, revealing a rich history spanning centuries and continents. 

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Busting the popular myth, many historical accounts suggest that samosa did not originate in India. So where did it come from? Keep reading

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Persian Connection

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Reports point to the Middle East, particularly Persia as the birthplace of samosa. Similar recipes date back to the 10th-13th century cookery books.

Historian's Mention

Iranian historian Abolfazl Beyhaqi referenced the snack in his work, known as "sanbosag" or "sambusa", adding to the evidence of its Persian origin.

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 Emergence Of Samsa

A close cousin, "samsa," emerged in Central Asia, resembling samosa. These savoury pastries featured minced meat, herbs, and spices.

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The Indian Chapter

In the 16th century, samosa travelled to India through Middle Eastern chefs serving the royals in the Mughal Empire. 

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For Different
Samosa Recipes

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