5 Easy Tips to Take Care of Your Skin After Playing Holi

5 Easy Tips to Take Care of Your Skin After Playing Holi


  • Stand in running water for 5-10 minutes after playing Holi
  • It is ideal to use olive oil to remove the colour from the face
  • Be careful not to use body scrubs or rub aggressively
Holi – the festival of colours is here! The time when you put all rules on hold and let the child within loose, playing with colours, dancing on paan banaras wala, and simply soaking up the sun as you gorge on gujias and gulp down the thandai. As you get ready to have all the fun, make sure that your skin is well protected, so that you do not suffer from any after effects like skin allergies or irritation after the game is over.
Traditionally, the festival was all about natural colours made from flowers and herbs. But these days there are many varieties of cheap and synthetic colours available in the market made from chemicals, and artificial dyes. They could also contain heavy metals, acids, mica, glass powder and dangerous alkalis. These chemicals can cause serious harm to the skin. It is a great idea to play with natural colours and herbs like tesu or genda flowers, rose petals, haldi and sandalwood that are actually good for your skin.If you are going out and not sure about the colours others will use, make sure make sure that you oil your entire body with coconut oil. You can also use Olive oil or Vitamin E oil if you prefer. While oiling, make sure you do not forget places like behind the ear, between finger tips and near the finger nails where paint is bound to collect. You can oil your hair with mustard oil and tie it in a plait or pony. If you’ve been wanting to experiment with nail colour, here’s your chance to go wild. Paint your nails with the darkest shade possible to avoid the Holi colour from seeping inside the nail bed.(Also read: Coconut Oil for Face - 7 Ways to Use it For a Beauty Boost)After you have had all the fun with colours and can hardly recognize yourself in the mirror, it is now time to get back to your normal self. If you are wondering how you will ever get rid of all those stubborn colours, worry not. Here are few tips to cleanse your skin and get back that glow safely. 
1. Stand in running water for 5-10 minutes after playing Holi, and ensure that you do not scrub or scratch aggressively.2. Apply liquid soap gently on the body. Still struggling? You can try home remedies thereafter, such as applying a mix of lemon juice, curd and sandalwood. You can also apply a mix of turmeric and white flour, and wash off after 15-20 minutes with milk. The trick with white flour works wonders for the face.3. Be extra careful while removing the Holi colours from your face. It is ideal to use olive oil to remove the colour. Dab some, leave it on for a few minutes and then wash off.(Also read: 5 Natural Ways to Remove Holi Colours Easily)
4. A concoction of fresh lemon juice, curd and a pinch of sandalwood powder is great to remove those stubborn traces of colour from your body and get back the glow. (Also read: 10 Home Remedies for Glowing Skin)5. However, if there are still some traces of colour, then remember to give it a couple of days to fade away naturally rather than scrubbing away aggressively and harming your skin in the process. It is advisable not to use body scrubs, exfoliators or bath salts for at least 48 hours after playing Holi, and try not to go out in the sun for too long. Here’s wishing you all a happy, safe, and colourful Holi!  

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