We Reveal 5 Beauty Secrets Used In The Thai Beauty Regime


Thai women are known for flawless skin and long silky hair. But, what is the secret behind their shiny hair and seemingly ageless skin? It is, of course, their genes that play a significant role. Also, their healthy lifestyle and traditional (and natural) beauty secrets could be some of the reasons

We Reveal 5 Beauty Secrets Used In The Thai Beauty Regime


  • Thai women are known for flawless skin and long silky hair
  • Thailand's tropical fruits and spices are important for skin regime
  • Thai beauty secrets that will give you that perfect skin and hair
Thai women are known for flawless skin and long silky hair. But, what is the secret behind their shiny hair and seemingly ageless skin? It is, of course, their genes that play a significant role. Also, their healthy lifestyle and traditional (and natural) beauty secrets could be some of the reasons. But, Thailand's tropical fruits and spices have played a very important part in enhancing their beauty for centuries. Here we share five amazing Thai beauty secrets that will give you that perfect skin and hair.1. Turmeric: Turmeric is one of the key ingredients in Thai beauty regime. It is used as a great facial cleaner. Add water to turmeric powder and mix it well to make a paste. Spread this mixture all over the face, and rub it well for around 5 minutes. This will add a glow to your skin and will give you a fresh look throughout the day. This is also a decent solution for skin inflammation and other skin issues.
Turmeric is one of the key ingredients in Thai beauty regime​2. Papaya: It is another wonderful ingredient that is used for skin brightening. All you need is 2 tablespoon of ripe papaya; mash it well with a help of a spoon until it becomes a soft paste. Apply it all over your face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse it off well with cold water.
It is another wonderful ingredient that is used for skin brightening​3. Tamarind: Tamarind has properties that help in making skin bright. It is primarily used for scrubbing. Dip tamarind in water, let it soak some water. Mash the soaked tamarind and apply it on your face and body parts (optional). You can also mix yogurt with tamarind for better results.

Tamarind has properties that help in making skin bright​. Photo Credit: Istock

4. Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is the most famous ingredient used by Thai women to enhance their beauty. You can also add coconut oil in your food as well. Take coconut gel or oil and rub it around your eyes and other dry regions of the body before going for shower. It will help to keep your skin hydrated throughout the day.
Coconut oil is the most famous ingredient used by Thai women ​5. Fruit Juices: We all know that drinking healthy juices play a vital role while maintaining a healthy skin. By adding a lot of healthy fruit juices and water to your diet you are adding essential vitamins and minerals in your body, which will add natural glow to your face.                                                               
Healthy juices play a vital role while maintaining a healthy skin.So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and make the most of these Thai beauty tips!
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