Badaam ka Sharbat Recipe

How to make Badaam ka Sharbat

About Badaam ka Sharbat Recipe: A super nourishing drink bursting with fragrant flavours of almonds, cardamoms and kewda.

  • Total Cook Time 30 mins
  • Prep Time 10 mins
  • Cook Time 20 mins
  • Recipe Servings2
  • Easy

Ingredients of Badaam ka Sharbat

  • 120 gms almonds (soaked overnight and peeled)
  • 8 Green cardamoms (crushed, cooked in water and strained)
  • 1 tsp almond essence
  • 3 cups sugar
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 tsp kewda essence
  • 1/8 tsp potassiummeta bi-sulphite (potassium salt of bisulfate anion)

How to Make Badaam ka Sharbat

Add a little water (enough to facilitate blending) to the almonds and blend to a fine paste.
Strain through a fine sieve or muslin cloth and add some more water to the left-over almonds and blend and strain again.
Make the liquid up-to 2 cups, by adding water if necessary.
Add sugar to the strained almond liquid and dissolve over low heat.
When it dissolves, increase the heat and bring to a boil and let the syrup cook.
Keep skimming off the scum as it cooks.
Cook till a drop of syrup pressed between two fingers, forms a thread (one-thread consistency).
Add the cardamom extract and the kewda essence. Strain through a muslin cloth and cool.
When cool, mix the potassium in a little of the syrup first and then add to the whole lot.
Store in clean airtight bottles.
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