Side-Effects Of Caffeine In Coffee And Chocolates - Do You Feel It?


Caffeine is an instant energy-booster and mood-lifter. But, are there any side-effects of consuming too much caffeine? Let's find out.

Side-Effects Of Caffeine In Coffee And Chocolates - Do You Feel It?
Coffee drinkers and chocolate lovers should know about effects of caffeine.


  • Are you a regular coffee drinker or a chocolate lover?
  • Both these foods contain a high amount of caffeine.
  • What does caffeine really do to you? Find out here.

A cup of coffee is all we need to pull us up, wake us up and get going again. Some of us need our daily dose of coffee to wade through the entire day. The same goes for chocolate. Whenever we are feeling low, chocolate works best to caste away the blues. Why are these foods so good at re-energising us? Of course, it's caffeine which works its magic. Caffeine is an instant energy-booster and mood-lifter. But, are there any side-effects of consuming too much caffeine? Let's find out.

Dark chocolate is touted to be better than any other chocolate variant. It is higher in antioxidants, lower in sugar content and is also said to be good for heart health. While dark chocolate contains up to 22.7 milligrams of caffeine per ounce, white chocolate contains none! Caffeine is found in cocoa solids, so the more cocoa used in chocolate, higher is the content of caffeine in it.

(Also Read: How Much Coffee You Can Have Every Day Without Harming Your Health?)

Caffeine effects:

Caffeine's effect depends on the person consuming it. Regular coffee drinkers won't notice a sudden surge in energy or alertness, but someone who is sensitive to caffeine, they may feel some change because a regular cup of coffee contains a whopping 96 milligrams of caffeine, four times more than a serving of dark chocolate.

Milk chocolate contains negligible amount of caffeine so it would make hardly any difference in the energy level even in non-coffee drinkers. 


Do you feel these effects of caffeine? Let us know in the comments section below.

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