Cocoa and Walnut Pudding Bowl Recipe

How to make Cocoa and Walnut Pudding Bowl

Cocoa and Walnut Pudding Bowl Recipe: Yogurt mixed with cocoa along with chia seeds and refrigerated till smooth. Garnished with chocolate- smothered walnuts and strawberries. Tastes and looks as delicious as it sounds!

  • Total Cook Time 15 mins
  • Prep Time 05 mins
  • Cook Time 10 mins
  • Recipe Servings4
  • Easy

Ingredients of Cocoa and Walnut Pudding Bowl

  • 4 Cups Soy yogurt
  • 4 tbsp Cocoa powder (fat-free)
  • 4 tbsp Chia seeds
  • 60 gram Walnuts
  • 12 Strawberries
  • Sugar/Sweetener (optional)
  • For garnish:
  • Walnuts (covered in dark or white chocolate Strawberries)

How to Make Cocoa and Walnut Pudding Bowl

Mix the cocoa powder into the yogurt. If it is too bitter, add a teaspoon of sugar or sweetener to taste.
Then, add the chia seeds and mix well. Pour into bowls and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
Chop the walnuts and set aside. Wash the strawberries, remove the core and cut into small pieces.
Garnish the pudding with the chocolate-covered walnuts and strawberries
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