Pistachio, Cranberry and White Chocolate Pie Recipe

How To Make Pistachio, Cranberry and White Chocolate Pie

About Pistachio, Cranberry and White Chocolate Pie Recipe: This eggless eight-inch pie comes with a smooth, creamy Sicilian pistachio filling that's studded with chewy cranberry bits, all ensconced in a crispy and crumbly shortcrust pastry.

  • Total Cook Time1 hr 25 mins
  • Prep Time 25 mins
  • Cook Time1 hr
  • Recipe Servings8
  • Medium

Ingredients of Pistachio, Cranberry and White Chocolate Pie

  • For pistachio paste:
  • 180 gms pistachios
  • 3 tbsp water
  • For short crust:
  • 150 gms cold butter
  • 125 gms castor sugar
  • 300 gms refined flour
  • 50 ml milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • For pie filling:
  • 150 gms good quality white chocolate
  • 100 ml heavy cream
  • 180 gms cream cheese
  • 40 gms powdered sugar
  • 1 cup pistachio paste
  • 100 gms cranberries, sliced

How to Make Pistachio, Cranberry and White Chocolate Pie

Prepare Pistachio Paste:

Boil pistachios in hot water and bring to a boil.
Turn off the heat and let the pistachios soak in boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain the water and rinse under cold water.
Spread the pistachios on a kitchen towel and rub them gently.
De-skin the pistachios and then blend them in a food processor, adding one tbsp. of water at a time. Make it into a smooth paste and use.

Prepare short crust:

Cream the butter and sugar to for a smooth paste. Sift and add the flour.
Add some milk and vanilla and form a soft dough ball. Refrigerate for an hour.
Roll it out and line the pie dish. Blind bake the base till golden brown. (350’ F). Let it cool before filling in.

Prepare Pie Filling:

Melt the white chocolate in microwave safe bowl and heat for 30 second intervals till completely melted.
Cool the chocolate at room temperature. Whip the heavy cream to form stiff peaks.
Whip the cream cheese till light and fluffy. Add powdered sugar and combine well.
Add the pistachio paste to the mixture and further cream for another minute till fully incorporated.
Add the cooled down white chocolate and combine well to form a smooth mixture.
Using a spatula, add the whipping cream too. Gently fold in all together.
Add the cranberry bits to the mixture and fold once again.
Pour the pistachio mixture on the pie crust and even out with the spatula.
Place in the refrigerator for 6 hours before serving or overnight.
Decorate with chopped Pistachios, Cranberries and some Chocolate drizzle.
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