Sabudana Seekh Kabab Recipe

How To Make Sabudana Seekh KababiStock

About Sabudana Seekh Kebab Recipe: Give traditional kebabs a twist with an addition of sabudana. Easy to make and an absolute crowd pleaser, these kebabs will make your evening party a sensational hit.

  • Total Cook Time 55 mins
  • Prep Time 10 mins
  • Cook Time 45 mins
  • Recipe Servings4
  • Medium

Ingredients of Sabudana Seekh Kabab

  • 2 Cups mashed potatoes, boiled
  • 1 cup soft sabudana (sago), soaked
  • 5 tbsp groundnut powder, roasted
  • 2 tsp curd
  • 4-5 red chilli, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp rajgira flour
  • to taste Salt
  • 1/2 tsp sugar (optional)
  • Oil or ghee
  • 1/2 cup coriander leaves (optional), chopped

How to Make Sabudana Seekh Kabab

Add boiled and mashed potatoes together with sabudana.
Mix with roasted groundnut powder, curd, finely chopped red chili, chopped coriander leaves, rajgira flour, salt and a pinch of sugar.
Knead lightly to form soft dough.
Add the dough onto the skewers or seekh and grill at high heat.
Brush over with ghee. Cook until evenly browned.
Serve hot with any chutney.
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