Tried Everything For Hair Loss? This Super Drink Might Be The Solution You Needed


If your hair loss is because of an imbalance in hormones, you need to approach it differently. This super drink will help.

Tried Everything For Hair Loss? This Super Drink Might Be The Solution You Needed
Hair loss can resolved with a good diet.


  • Hair fall can be attributed to many reasons.
  • It's important to get to the root cause.
  • For hair loss due to hormonal imbalance, this drink is a must-try.

We've all had those days when we look in the mirror and notice that our hair isn't as thick or lustrous as it used to be. Hair loss is a common concern, and it can be caused by various factors. We invest in expensive products and medication to regain our hair health, but often, all the efforts end up in vain. Maybe you didn't find out the root cause of the hair fall and that's why you are not able to treat it properly. If your hair loss is because of an imbalance in hormones - also known as Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) - you need to approach it differently.
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Shedding more light on it, dietitian Manpreet Kalra explained that "hair follicles enter the shedding phase in this particular condition. The more the insulin resistance, the more is the production of DHT." Thankfully, she also suggested a super drink that can work effectively to reduce hair loss. She called it a 'hair fall reducing drink' and also shared the recipe. The super tea is made from nettle, coriander seeds, methi seeds, and fennel seeds. Let's see how this humble concoction can help you.  

Nettle Tea: The Hair Hero 

Nettle tea, made from the leaves of the stinging nettle plant, is the cornerstone of our super tea recipe. Nettle is rich in vitamins and minerals, including iron, silica, and antioxidants. According to Manpreet Kalra, the tea contains compounds that inhibit the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone into DHT.  

Coriander Seeds: For Flamed Inflammation

Coriander seeds, often used as a spice in cooking, have remarkable hormonal balancing properties. They contain anti-inflammatory compounds that prevent scalp inflammation. They also add a pleasant, citrusy flavour to our super tea. 

Methi Seeds: Hair Nourishment 

Methi seeds, also known as fenugreek seeds, are packed with nutrients that your hair craves. They are a great source of protein, which is vital for hair strength and growth. The dietitian informs that methi seeds also contain galactomannan, which regulates blood sugar levels and improves insulin sensitivity. 

Fennel Seeds: The Soothing Solution

Fennel seeds add a touch of sweetness to our super tea, but their benefits go beyond flavour. Fennel seeds contain anethole and flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe an irritated scalp.
Also Read: Struggling With Hair Fall? Strengthen Your Hair With These 5 Natural Foods


The Recipe For Hair Fall Reducing Super Tea: 

Now that we've introduced our star ingredients, let's get to the exciting part: making the super tea that can potentially transform your hair and balance your hormones


In a small saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Add one teaspoon of coriander seeds, one teaspoon of methi seeds and half a teaspoon of fennel seeds to the boiling water. Let the mixture simmer for some time. Then remove the pan from the heat and strain the tea into a cup. Now dip the nettle tea bag, wait till its flavours seep into the tea, and enjoy! 

Nature has provided us with powerful allies like nettle tea and robust spices. So, why not give this natural remedy a try? It's not only delicious but also an easy and cost-effective way to stop hair fall caused by hormonal imbalance. 

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