Chocolate Chickpea Barks Recipe

How to make chocolate chickpea barks

You will never go back once you tried this chocolate chickpea bark. It is super delicious and a protein packed crunchy treat.

  • Total Cook Time 35 mins
  • Prep Time 15 mins
  • Cook Time 20 mins
  • Recipe Servings2
  • Easy

Ingredients of Chocolate Chickpea Barks

  • 1 Cup Chickpeas
  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil
  • to taste Sea salt
  • 1 cup Chocolate

How to Make Chocolate Chickpea Barks

Soak chickpeas in water overnight.
Once soaked, remove and Let them dry completely.
After they are completely dry, add olive oil and sea salt. Give it a good mix and bake these at 200 degree Celsius for 30-40 mins.
Melt chocolate in another bowl, once the chickpea are roasted add them in the melted chocolate bowl.
Spread the above on a parchment paper and let it set in the fridge for 2-3 hours.
Using a knife, cut into barks and serve!
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