Breakfast of Champions: Oprah Winfrey's Smoothie

Breakfast of Champions: Oprah Winfrey's Smoothie
These days, the media mogul, actor and TV host is extremely careful about what she eats
After years of dieting, media mogul, actor and television host Oprah Winfrey is these days extremely careful about what she eats. She consumes lots of nuts and fruit, especially at breakfast, when she also likes porridge with walnuts and blueberries, or wholegrain bread made with sprouted grains. The combination of fruit yoghurt and orange juice in her breakfast smoothie means this is a relatively sweet drink; if you prefer, use natural yoghurt instead and sweeten to taste with honey. Makes one large glass Put half a banana, 150g of peach yoghurt, 25g of fresh or frozen berries, a teaspoon of almond butter (optional; or use peanut butter instead) and 100ml of orange juice in a blender. Blitz until smooth, pour into a glass and serve at once. Illustration: Zoe More O'Ferrall for the Guardian
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