FIFI - Forum of Indian Food Importers

FIFI - Forum of Indian Food Importers
The formation of Forum for Indian Food Importers was initiated by couple of like-minded importers of food products into India in August 2009. Rounds of initial interactions and deliberations led to the formation of the group by eight key importers as a platform to interact on regular basis to share and resolve common issues. A few such interactions were all that were required to agree on the need to formalize the platform. The Forum of Indian Food Importers, or FIFI, as it is popularly referred to, was in place by end-2009.
The objective of FIFI is clear - to promote, facilitate, empower and support food import in India. On the policy and legislation front, the modus operandi to achieve this is to highlight issues such as non-tariff barriers, high custom duties, PFA laws, and inter-state taxation and borders laws. The forum also presents a united front to relevant government bodies, business fora, trade commissions and national and international chambers of commerce and trade, including MOFPI, FSSAI, FICCI and CII, among others. FIFI intends to boost the marketing, distribution and retail of imported foods and beverages in India through multiple vehicles. Alongside media visibility through national and foreign publications, FIFI would also be initiating and engaging in focused trade shows, workshops and training programs across India and in Overseas markets.FIFI frequently holds and attends various events to resolve issues pertaining to import laws and practices. Recently it celebrated its 3rd anniversary at Le Meridian, New Delhi.

Words from the founder members:"Though we are competitors as importers, we approach govt. bodies on the platform of FIFI, to present a united front" said Amit Lohani, Convenor, FIFI
"Through this forum, we have been able to share our thoughts and issues with the FSSAI (food safety and standards authority of India) which has helped us in bringing out a solution " - Rishabh Asrani, Director, Sri Roda Foods & Founder member, FIFI.
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