Have You Been Overeating Lately? Here are 6 Simple Yet Effective Ways to Stop!


Overeating is one of the major reasons linked to people putting on kilos to the point of being obese, and as we all know, obesity is a condition that leads to more than one health problems.

Have You Been Overeating Lately? Here are 6 Simple Yet Effective Ways to Stop!


  • Overeating is one of the major reasons linked to obesity
  • We often struggle to understand how much is too much
  • You must make it a habit to eat something every 2-3 hours
How many times have you continued to gorge on your favourite things even after feeling full? Or how often do you eat fried or sugar-laden foods only to overcome mental stress? We are all guilty of doing this some time or the other. In fact, it is a general tendency amongst many to overeat without feeling the need to stop. Overeating is one of the major reasons linked to people putting on the kilos to the point of being obese, and as we all know, obesity is a condition that leads to more than one health problems. We often struggle to understand 'how much is too much', which results in overeating. But did you know, it is all in the mind and that you have to train your mind into eating exactly the amount that is required for healthy sustainability. All you need to do is to follow these super easy, yet effective ways to stop overeating and we promise, you will never have to torture your tummy ever again.1. Refuel every 2-3 hours
Eating all at once is a big no-no. You must make it a habit to eat something every 2-3 hours to ensure you don't feel too hungry at any point. Waiting too long to eat can end up making you eat more. This way you will eat small portions of food and not overeat unnecessarily during one major meal. Not only this, regular eating will help keep your blood sugar and energy stable.

Eating all at once is a big no-no 
2. Don't miss your breakfastA study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that when people ate more fat, protein and carbohydrates in the morning, they stayed full for longer and ate less throughout the day. No matter how busy your mornings are, make sure to add up these important nutrients in order to avoid overeating later in the day.
No matter how busy your mornings are, make sure to add up these important nutrients​
3. Pay attention to the size of the platePortion sizes also play an important part in overeating. Use a smaller plate to serve food for yourself; this way you serve less and eat less. It is a common tendency to take more food on a larger plate, considering it has a bigger area to keep all the food at once.
Portion sizes also play an important part in overeating​
4. Eat slowlyThis is one of the best ways to stop overeating. Fast eaters tend to eat more food than slow eaters. According to a study conducted by the University of Florida, it takes at least 12 minutes or more for food satisfaction to reach the brain; therefore eating slowly ensures that the message reaches the brain in time. Once the feeling of satiety kicks, you will not feel the need to keep eating.

Fast eaters tend to eat more food than slow eaters​ 
5. Move away from distraction while eatingWe all love to watch our favourite shows while eating; however, this is one habit you should always try to avoid. You don't realise the quantity of food you eat while watching television or while surfing through the internet, leading to overeating. It is important to focus on what to eat and how much to eat.
We all love to watch our favourite shows while eating​
6. Stop eating multiple foods at a timeEver wondered why eating a Buffet lunch makes you feel stuffed for hours later? When you are spoilt for choices, you tend to put all, or most, of them on your plate. You try a little bit of many things and then go for second helpings of the ones you liked most. If you are trying to stay away from overeating, then it's best to go with a select choice of items. Chewing on the same dishes again and again will eventually lead to a feeling of satisfaction sooner, further stopping you from eating more.
Ever wondered why eating a Buffet lunch makes you feel stuffed for hours later​ Photo Credit: Monkey Bar
It is imperative to eat mindfully and know when you have to stop, especially when you are looking at losing weight.
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