How To Make Subway-Style Chicken Sandwich


The easiest recipe to recreate the subway-style chicken sandwich at home.

How To Make Subway-Style Chicken Sandwich
Subway-style sandwiches at home!


  • Subway was named after the submarine sandwich
  • Sub sandwiches are used making italian rolls
  • Learn to make Subway-style sandwiches in no time

Whether you are at a fine-dining restaurant or at a subway sandwich shop, it is exciting to see your food be prepared from scratch. It almost feels a bit voyeuristic to see people prepare your food as if you are eavesdropping on a private conversation. By seeing others prepare your meal, you would know their recipe and you feel you would be able to prepare this dish at home. That's what many us of think every time we see our sub sandwich get ready. The server is listening to our instructions and then preparing the sandwich. Surely if we are the one's giving the instruction then it must be easy enough for us to make it on our own. 

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However, when it comes to actual preparation at home, we get confused and easily give up. We need an actual recipe to follow to recreate the same sub sandwich at home. This is where we have got you covered; we have the perfect recipe that will help you create a subway-style chicken sub sandwich at home.

One of the major reasons why we are so enamoured by subway sandwiches is because of the shape of the sandwich. It is because of its shape it was termed a submarine sandwich. It is also known as a hoagie, a po'boy sandwich and an Italian sandwich. 

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Here's How To Make Subway-Style Chicken Sandwich


To create a submarine sandwich, you need a type of bread called Italian roll. However, an Italian roll might not be easily available, you can use any bread of the same shape. Typically, a submarine sandwich is made by filling a split Italian roll with various meats, cheeses, vegetables, and condiments. The submarine sandwich is what inspired the name subway. The sub sandwich (short form of submarine sandwich) is considered as one of the healthier forms of fast food, it's time for you to create this healthy snack at the comfort of your home.


Click here for the full recipe of Subway-Style Chicken Sandwich.


Try this recipe and tell us how you liked it!

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